Paradise of Exiles: Part II | The American Poets and Their Influences
Part II of Paradise of Exiles starts early September and is a six week course titled The Americans: their influences and Influence.
Week One, 9 September: Robert Frost
Week Two, 18 September: Walt Whitman
Week Three, 25 September: Robert Lowell/ Sylvia Plath
Week Four, 2 October: Emily Dickinson
Week Five, 9 October: Marianne Moore
Week Six, 16 October: Sharon Olds
Pelé Cox
Pele is a poet, performance artist, and film maker. She has been poet in Residence at TATE, John Murray, Keats-Shelley House, British School at Rome and Royal Academy of Arts. During the Covid-19 lockdown she made and streamed her first short,Lift Me Up, I Am Dying (on the death of John Keats), which was reviewed in the FT Arts section. Damian Lewis and Nicholas Rowe starred. Her next film, Dreamboat commemorates Shelley and has been filmed in Venice and London. Vincent and the Poets was performed in February 2022 at the Courtauld Institute to coincide with the exhibition Van Gogh’s Self Portraits. Her work has also been performed at BAFTA, Keats-Shelley House, John Murray, British School at Rome, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Todi Festival, Ledbury Poetry Festival, Bradford Literature Festival, and the Villa Wolkonsky. Her work has been featured and reviewed in the FT, Sunday Times Magazine, Sunday Times Culture section, RA magazine, TATE, The Oldie, The London Magazine, and The Guardian.
‘Under Pele Cox's expert guidance, poetry becomes a tool of self-discovery and self-worth. It's like a weekly dose of life wisdom from some of the best, most thoughtful brains in history. For me it counteracted the thinness of life in lockdown: a mixture of degree course, therapy session, creative boost - and party!’ Suzi Feay
‘I don't say enough how much Group means to me and how much joy and life it brings.’ Katie Back
‘Pele has the unique gift of connecting with you and seeing in you what you can't, and thereby enabling your true poetic voice. It's thanks to her that I found mine.’ Arpit Kaushik- Hypha
‘Whether we were discussing Graham Greene or Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Cormac McCarthy or Camus, our sessions were a highlight of my week and gave me ideas to put to work. I appreciated her exquisite taste in literature, love for the written word, and sensitivity to the human condition.’ Doug Greenig - Florin Court Capital
I’ve wanted to write poetry my whole life. Pelé is showing me how. And in doing so she’s changing my whole life. Her way with words is transformative – magical almost. Working with Pelé will be the best investment you make both professionally and personally.
Pelé has the unique gift of connecting with you and seeing in you what you can’t, and thereby enabling your true poetic voice. It’s thanks to her that I found mine
Pelé Cox is an accomplished writer and a wonderful instructor in creative writing. I was keen to sharpen my abilities in short fiction, and Pelé introduced me to new literature and new approaches to writing. Whether we were discussing Graham Greene or Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Cormac McCarthy or Camus, our sessions were a highlight of my week and gave me ideas to put to work. I appreciated her exquisite taste in literature, love for the written word, and sensitivity to the human condition.